Grams list went along the lines of:
2x Big Mek with Kustom Force Field (KFF)
11 grots with Runtherd
5 x 30 Slugga boyz (for a whopping 150 orks.. yeah), Power Klaw + Boss pole on Nob
2 x 15 Lootas
3 x 3 units of Big Guns, all with kannons and 3 ammo runts each
Mine was
Succubus with agoniser - The Huntress
5x KW with blaster + venom + x2 SC + NS
5x KW with blaster + venom + x2 SC + NS
5x KW + venom + x2 SC + NS 120
9 wyches with haywires, heka + agoniser, raider with nightshield and aethersails
9 wyches with haywires, heka + agoniser, raider with nightshield and aethersails
8xTrueborn, x2 SC, 6x shardcarbines, haywires. raider with nightshields
7 Incubi with klaivex + onslaught, raider with nightshields and aethersails
7 x Harlequins with kisses, Troupe Master with power weapon, Shadowseer
Razorwing with SC, flickerfield, 2x Dark Lances, 4 x monos
Ravager with nightshield, x 3 dark lances
So we rolled and got 5 objectives. I rolled for my combat drugs and with the Duke's Contraband ability I chose Re-roll wounds for all my combat drugs units - Duke, the Huntress, the 2 wych squads. I win the roll so the Dark Eldar are going first unless Gram siezes.
Deployment - Orks typically deploy in a massive blob across the board due to the number of them, with a squad of lootas in the ruins on Ork top right and ruins in the centre. Most of the DE combat threat goes to the right hand side, aside from the Harlies who think they're hard enough to face down half the ork army themselves. Duke's Squad of 3+ splinter Trueborn in the unpainted Raider in the centre whilst the venoms cluster near the big ruins on my right. Razorwing in reserve. Gram fails to sieze and its DE turn 1.
I have my first major 6th Edition fail of the night, as I just fly my entire combat contingent of 2 raiders of Wyches plus the Huntress, and the Incubi into assault range of 2 big blobs of Slugga boyz that now hit vehicles on 3's!! I torrent the Lootas near the stupid Raider-mounted combat units with Venoms, killing about half of them but they dont run. Duke's Squad shoot up some of the Saltire boyz on the right hand side, but not a great number of them. Ravager kills a Kannon with a Dark Lance shot. Harlequins scuttle for the small ruins on the left of the board.
Turn 1: Orks
Remaining Lootas on the right, plus the kannons and centre lootas shoot my stupidly posititioned Raiders, but only result in stunning two of them, and redcuing one to 1 hull point and the other to 2. The left hand side orks move up in an intimidating wave. In assault the Saltire Boyz and the White Boyz assault and wreck the Incubi and the Wych raider without the Huntress. Both squads not pinned.
Turn 2: Dark Eldar
Razorwing arrives from reserve and moves towards the blob of 3 full Slugga boyz on the left in front of the Harlequins, and unleashes a lot of death upon them, especially the Red Trousers Boyz, which are essentially decimated. Venoms shuffle around and torrent the White Boyz and Saltires to give my assault troops a chance to fight themselves free (ha! aye right..) Whilst the Huntress detaches and decides to take the Lootas on her own (in the pic below on the bottom left). This was my 2nd major 6th Ed fail, as I forgot about overwatch and the Lootas merely loaded up and unleashed the pain on her, instagibbin her with S7!! Fail...
Wyches and Incubi lose a man each to overwatch, whilst the other squad of Wyches clamber over the wreck of their Raider to get to grips with the White boyz
Saltires Nob challenges the Wych unit they're facings Hekatrix, who promptly despatches him with a deft re-roll with her agoniser. Wyches and Incubi kill a lot of the Saltires, who, since a lot are now out of range, manage to kill only one wych in reply. Incubi are now so far away they are out of the combat, and consolidate a measly 1 inch towards the Lootas.
In the nearby combat, the Big Mek challenges the hekatrix, who kills him and the unit gains a pain token for Feel No Pain (FNP) at their Initiative step, which proves very useful. Altogether the wyches do 6 unsaved wounds the 2nd wych unit kills 6 Orks for one loss, after some jammy dodge + FNP saves, much to Grams despair...
Both Orks remain in combat though, due to being Fearless, which is now awesome and no longer is the worst part of the Combat phase for Orks anymore
Turn 2: Orks
Lootas kill 1 Incubus. Wyches fighting the Saltires kill them off, gaining a pain token and move towards newly arrived grots. Wyches fighting the White Boyz beat them in combat, and the Hekatrix challenges and wounds the Nob. Boyz just past leadership.
Turn 3: Dark Eldar
Running warriors rally, consolidate, and run onto the objective in my bottom right corner.The Razorwing nukes the centre Lootas after their Venom-smashing ways, with its remaining Monoscythe missiles and Splinter cannon - the remaining venom joins in too, leaving only 3 lootas left. They pass leadership and stay. Duke's squad torrent the remaining Red Trousers, and leave only 5 left standing. Harlequins burst from cover and charge towards the Golden Axes Orks, killing 2 with their pistols but losing two - including the Shadowseer -to Overwatch. They kill 7, and lose 2 more of their own with the Troupe Master passing a succession of either his Inv save or Look Out Sir! - a new rule which lets you try and keep your squad leaders alive for longer.Incubi charge the right side Lootas, but Lootas go first due to no grenades, do no damage. In a fairly rubbish combat for the Incubi they kill 2 Lootas. Lootas stay.
Wyches that finished Saltires last turn charge grots. In a display of bravado the hekatrix challenges the Runtherd - confident after her quick victory over the Saltires Nob - only to wiff her attacks and get smashed into the dirt! The squad shows no such incompetence though and kill the grots without mercy. Runtherd gets ran down and the Wyches gain another pain token.
Turn 3: Orks
The only remaining big load of Boyz, tha Blue Boyz, move towards the objectives on Gram's right. Red Trousers skirt round the last stand of the 3 remaining Harlequins against the Golden Axes.
Just for cruelty and revenge, the Red Trousers charge the 3 Harlequins that are fighting for their lives against the Golden Axes. The spiteful Nob refuses the Troupe Master's challenge, Harlies cut down 3 Orks but are utterly smashed, get wiped out. Orks consolidate so that the Golden Axes move towards an objective in my half, which is ominously near Duke and his Trueborn and the Red Trousers move towards the objective in Gram's half.
Turn 4: Dark Eldar
Incubi run up and end both the Guns and the remainder of the White Boyz with no losses, and consolidate next to a Raider as they have a long walk ahead of them to get near anyone else.
Turn 4: Orks
Gram's units on his right continue their marching on the objectives on that side. In his shooting he immediately puts an end to the Incubi's ride with one of the Kannons units. It explodes, wounding none of the Incubi but does wound the Hekatrix on the objective, who fails cover but passes her 5 + FNP!! Incubi have a very long walk ahead of them... Other kannons end the last Venom, killing 2 of the warriors in the explosion.
And for a change, no close combat this round.
Turn 5: Dark Eldar
The Razorwing turns and moves uselessly in a direction it can't fire in, so as to try and get a shot next turn. Ravager and Duke's Raider move towards the Golden Axes. Duke and co jump out right in front of them. I
Incubi walk and run towards Blue Boyz but they're miles away and likely to get solid-shotted by the Kannons. Some warriors are still lurking behind a wall on the objective with no Orks ever going to get near them.
Shooting - ravager and raider fire their dark lances at the Blue Boyz, killing one or two. The Duke's 3+ trueborn put a lot of hurt on the Golden Axes, then Charge and run them down. I think they loose one to Overwatch and one to combat. Gain a FNP pain token.
Turn 5: Orks
I can't remember what Gram shot with his kannons this turn - think he made the Kabalite warriors run off the middle objective - but the Blue Boyz shooting and charging mangles the Duke and his squad. Duke failed the 2nd shadowfield save he took ...
Blue Boyz sit on an objective, and as do the raggedy remnants of the Red Trousers. Gram rolls my big orange dice that he says is always shenanigans, and sure enough we get another turn, which favours the DE more than the Orks, as right now it would be a draw. Maybe he's got a point...
Turn 6: Dark Eldar
The Razorwing zeros in on the paltry scraps of the Red Trousers to finish the job it started in turn 2 on them. The Incubi run about in the middle of nowhere. Ravager and Raider stay where they are and shoot which is fail obviously but blah.
Razor executes the last Red Trousers, leaving only the Blue Boyz. Ravager and Raider shoot a couple of the Blue Boyz.
Turn 6: Orks
Gram can't draw now so he runs forward with the Blue Boyz and assaults both the Ravager and Raider, but only results in taking a hull point from each, as the Nob was killed in shooting from the Duke's squad earlier.
He also shoots a couple of the Incubi with solid shot rockets for good measure.
The game ends and its a 2-1 victory for the Dark Eldar.
Was a great game, close until it went to turn 6. I'm well aware we probably got loads wrong but we were playing from memory of our few games of 6th, which isn't many
Thanks to Gram for a good slogfest of a game!
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